Monday, August 24, 2009

Crescent Lake Park

It’s hot. It was so hot and steamy when I got up on Saturday morning. It looked like it might rain. I’m crazy when it comes to weather so I ventured out anyway. I had heard about a small flock of geese that live at Crescent Lake Park in St. Pete year round. When I got there around 9am there were tons of people everywhere. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the early morning sun before the afternoon rains hit. Lots of people walking dogs and kids were playing on the playground.

I found the geese at the south end of the lake. I only saw 2 couples. One goose looked very pregnant. These guys were very aggressive. I’m sure people feed them there. If you walk up to take a picture they come running up to you. If you don’t have food they attack your ankles. I saw this happen with a girl who had a point & shoot camera. Luckily I stayed far back with my 500mm lens. Not much else as far as nature there that morning except for the usual flocks of ibis and ducks.

I left the park and stopped by the St. Petersburg pier before heading home. Even the pier seemed quiet. Storms were brewing out in the bay. Not many people or birds there. A few pelicans were flying around. I was able to catch a few in flight before the rain started.

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