Friday, December 25, 2009

Outside Of The Box

The following is commentary that accompanies an image posted at . . .

The Sandwich Tern above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

It's intriguing to be back to BPN after joining the site 15 months ago. I'm perplexed by all the bells and whistles as I was the first time I explored the site. I'll hopefully get over it with additional time allowed.

This place appears to offer a great opportunity to advance in photography technique beyond trial and error.

The Black Skimmer above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

I've become fascinated with the photography of birds and their identification. My greatest struggle is with the shorebirds that look too much alike even after observing them for several seasons now.


The Laughing Gull above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

I'm especially intrigued with it stating on the back cover "How do you tell the difference between a Western Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper at 100 yards?"

Well, there are regrettably other species that are much more indistinguishable at nine yards for novice bird enthusiasts as I include myself.

The Forster's Tern above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

I find great enjoyment in carrying a camera around. Sometimes the stuff attached to it can be a curse especially when walking with a view of the Gulf of Mexico or its nearby waters through sugar sand or muddy environs.

I haven't overcome the discomfort of potential threat of the gators in the area. I make every effort to avoid them and stingrays in the summer months.

The Royal Tern above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

I've most recently observed and reflected on the proximity of dolphins in the water with me that could cause possible harm to the gear capturing images of them.

These are recent personal thoughts while I was reading Artie's blog where it offered a link to a wildlife enthusiast that met a gruesome end with a bear in the wild.

The Black-bellied Plover above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

His most recent personal musing on how dangerous it was to capture a good shot of a bird on a jettie should really be appreciated for one's passion in doing what he and others consider easy to do. I'd be prepared to lose the gear in a heartbeat if my life were in jeopardy.

Well, back to the reason you are reading this, I captured an image of birds with light that I especially like and offer it in this forum for criticism. The title of the shot is derived from the immediate thought I had in its colors. The reds should preferably be at the bottom of the image, but what the heck, it's the best I could do at the moment.

The Laughing Gull above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

I pushed the ISO higher comfortably than I have in the past with what I consider acceptable results.

The editing education available here in the forums is especially welcome although I'm currently a minimalist.

The Royal Tern above was photographed at San Carlos Bay: Bunche Beach Preserve in December 2009.

My record at pbase may have you convinced otherwise.

Had to do a copy and paste of the shot. The other option is a mystery to me.

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