Friday, September 18, 2009

Midwest Birding Symposium

Finally made it up to Lakeside. Checked in and got the key for my cabin. When I registered, I was told that everything was full, so I had to settle for a rustic cabin. Here is the rustic cabin that I'm staying in

Not too bad with a sleeping bag. I enjoy not having the temptation of watching TV!

Birders were chumming for birds using popcorn. Didn't draw much other than Ring-billed Gulls and a few Herring Gulls. A few Canada Geese flew over as well. One birder advised that the popcorn was blowing into the windows of the lower deck of the boat. Saw some Caspian Terns earlier, but none while on the cruise.

Cruising by island, note the dead trees from all of the Double-crested Cormorant whitewash.

Beautiful sunset as we were heading back to the Lakeside dock.

Meeting lots of new birders, internet bird friends, and ones I haven't seen in a long time!

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