Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birds at Circle B Bar Reserve

This anhinga caught a big fish. They must have really expandable necks because he swallowed this whole after banging it around on the branch a few times.

Blue winged teals swimming around.

Palm warbler sitting in the bush.

Blue grey gnatcatcher. These are pretty birds but hard to catch on camera.

Last week I was on my way back to Tampa from Orlando and decided to stop by one of my favorite places, Circle B Bar Reserve, in Lakeland. It was pretty quiet during the week and it was the first time I had been there late in the afternoon. Not a lot of wildlife activity going on there. The hundreds of white pelicans were missing. There were only a few at the far end of the pond. There wasn't a single bird in the bird pond where the big alligator, Bubba, lives. I managed to find a few smaller birds flying around. There was a huge flock of tree swallows flying everywhere but those guys are almost impossible to get a picture of. They fly really fast and never seem to land on anything. It was a beautiful day out and I had a good walk as usual there.

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