Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day kayaking

Osprey sitting in the dead mangroves.

The tops of the mangrove bushes across from Courtney Campbell Causeway are all dead. The cold winter must have really damaged them. There is green underneath so it may take a while for them to grow back.

Sandwich tern on one of my neighbor's docks. I don't usually see any sandwich terns in our neighborhood.

I think these are willets on the left. Laughing gull on the right.

Another osprey sitting on a channel marker. He just watched me paddle by.

I had a pelican floating along side of me for a while.
Since I had Monday off, I decided to go kayaking for a few hours while hubby watch sports on tv. It was hot. There weren't too many birds out nor did I see any dolphins or manatees. I think this is the first time I haven't seen dolphins when I go kayaking in the channels in our backyard. I took my small old point and shoot camera with me since I didn't feel like packing up all of my good camera stuff. The mangroves out in the open bay look so sad. It's brown twigs as far as you can see. Hopefully, once the rainy season starts, the green part will start to grow out.

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