Monday, May 2, 2011

Birds at Fort Desoto

More pelican fly by pictures above and below.

Great egret coming for a landing.

This cormorant was floating around the fishing pier. I took the picture from far away thinking it wouldn't turn into much. When I cropped it up I realized he had a hook in his mouth. I wish I could have seen that when I was there. I would have reported it to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary. It may purge out eventually. Everyone thinks this is such a common bird but he does have beautiful colors on his face.

Just another day at the beach. I walked down to the fishing pier but it was a pretty quiet day except for a few pelicans and great egrets. It's fun to walk the pier and see the birds and dolphins but I hate seeing birds hooked. How can we reach them to help them when they are floating far away? If we get close in a boat will they just fly off? Sadly, I think they would have to be in pretty bad shape to let someone catch them. There are signs at the pier explaining to the fishermen to not cut the line. It shows them with pictures how to catch the birds with a net if they have one and pull the hook off. I've never seen anyone do that. Most of them just don't care. 

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