Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fort Desoto birds and a new duck

My first red breasted merganser sighting. We don't get these too often in central Florida. This is the first I've heard of one being in the Tampa bay area.

Little sanderling flapping after a bath.

Black bellied plover in not-quite breeding colors. Stomach is still light colored.

Another black bellied plover that is in full breeding color.

A little corner behind the roped off area that is full of birds. Looks like a lot of royal terns and plovers. Maybe some dowitchers in there as well. I had heard red knots were at the park but I didn't see any when I was there a couple of weekends ago.

Dowitchers sleeping. Nothing like a nice nap on the beach. Although, I wouldn't want to do it standing on one leg.

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