Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More cool, colorful bugs

Last Saturday, my travels brought me to Miami Meadows Park. I originally went there to see a rock concert, but the music just wasn't my taste and I quickly became board. Instead, I went to the natural areas of the park to see what insects I could run across.

I started out at a little pond that I often see cool dragonflies and damsels at. There was a man and his son fishing on the other side of the pond, but they quickly left when they seen me. They must have thought that I was nuts taking pictures of the weeds.

There are always plenty of Eastern Forktails flying around. I love this small damselfly, as I think they are rad looking. Their cool neon green thoraxes and neon blue tail tip are awesome. I am always amused at when I try to point them out to someone, as they are so tiny that many people can't even detect them.

Eastern Forktail wheel on heal all

Eastern Forktail wheel on heal all or self heal

Walking around the pond I came across more odes, like this female Widow Skimmer

Female Widow Skimmer

Female Widow Skimmer

and this awesome Halloween Pennant. I love the pennants, their wings are the coolest. This is the first time I was able to get a good look at a Halloween close up.

Halloween Pennant

Halloween Pennant on a sedge

I looked down to see a duskywing on the clover at my feet. I decided to take a pic, as I can't usually ID them in the field as they are always gone before I can get a diagnostic look at them. Sometimes it is difficult for me even with pics.

Horace's Duskywing

Horace's Duskywing

I had narrowed this duskywing down to either Juvenal's or Horace's, but wasn't sure. Thank you Crystal - a.k.a. Rangerous for the ID help!

I then moved from the pond to the nearby field which was full of teasel and and Orange Sulphurs.

Orange Sulphur on teasel

Orange Sulphur on teasel

While trying to take a picture of a dragonfly, I heard a small child ask their mother "mom, what is that guy taking pictures of?" she answered "I don't know honey, just keep moving". There were probably over a thousand people in that park that day. Most of which will never take the time out of their busy lives to experience and appreciate the beauty and awesomeness of the nature that is all around them. :-(

After not seeing much more in the fields, I moved on to the wet woods. I could hear a Pileated Woodpecker and Acadian Flycatcher calling. Got to see the pileated before it was spooked by kids on bikes. I also noticed a hummingbird sitting on a stick above my head. As I went farther down the trail, I came to a forest clearing that was glistening in the setting sun. The clearing was sparkling with the wings of many Eastern Comma butterflies chasing each other. It was almost magical looking. One landed at my feet on the broken boardwalk, casting a cool shadow!

Eastern Comma and shadow

Eastern Comma casting a big cool shadow

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

-Albert Einstein

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