Saturday, September 11, 2010

All the birds are hungry!

Osprey got his prize fish.

The juvenile laughing gull grabbed a fish but then dropped it. I think he needs more practice.

The above great blue heron stealing a fish from a man standing in the water fishing.
Note to people in the Tampa Bay area - don't leave food sitting out uncovered. I've seen gulls steal a sandwich off a blanket at the beach with a person sitting right behind it. I've seen them take a potato chip out of a kid's hand when the kid was about to eat it. They are very aggressive at stealing food and fish from fishermen. Hubby and I always eat our lunch sitting under the beach umbrella. It keeps the attack gulls away.
On our walk around Sand Key Park recently we saw lots of birds feeding. The osprey and gull were fishing for food under the big bridge where the small fishing piers are. For once I was paying attention and was able to get some decent shots of the osprey with a fish. The great blue heron was watching a man fishing for a while on the beach. That bird was smart. Once the man walked back in the water, the bird walked up to the bucket and grabbed a fish. Then the man got smart and came back on the beach and covered the bucket. Hey, everyone's got to eat, right?

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