Thursday, September 2, 2010

St Pete Pier - Skywatch Friday

The above picture was taken on top of the the soon-to-be torn down St. Petersburg Pier. It's over 30 years old and falling apart so the city recently voted to tear it down. No word on what will replace it yet. A storm was moving in over the oh-so-small downtown St. Pete. A few of those tall buildings are new condos that are probably more than half empty. It's fun to go hang out at the St. Pete Pier. There are lots of picture taking opportunities. I grew up visiting it as a kid with my family so I'll miss it when it's gone.

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The inverted building at the end of the pier.

There's an outdoor restaurant on the top of the building so there's always grackles and cowbirds hanging around.

There's always lots of activity around the pier. This morning there was a sailboat class for kids.

The yacht basin has a few nice boats in it. There are usually dolphins and manatees swimming around in it but I did not see any this morning.

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