Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My World Tuesday - Birds at the North Beach sanctuary & a crab too.

Above is what I see when I walk out to the beach from the parking lot of the north beach sanctuary at Fort Desoto. The sanctuary is a large part of the beach that is roped off so only the birds can hang out in that spot. This gives them a place to stop over and rest during migration and a place to hide from the tourist's kid chasing after them. The lighthouse is on another island, Egmont Key, close by. Now that the summer storms have gone, it's absolutely gorgeous there.

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A mixture of birds flying around. I'm not sure what spooked them but they all just started flying around in circles. 

There's tons of space roped off but they all seem to huddle together. Above is a small spot of the huddle. Skimmers, terns and gulls are the most common in the group.

The above ruddy turnstone had wandered outside the roped area.

Great blue heron flying by.

The beach was full of these tiny crabs.

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