Monday, November 29, 2010

Sights from Safety Harbor - My World Tuesday

A lost boat near the Safety Harbor fishing pier. It's anchor must have come lose and gotten grounded in low tide.

Pelican flying over the fishing pier.

Two great egret flying by.

This was taken at the end of the trail in Philippe Park on the Safety Harbor side. The eagle was sitting on the closest utility pole in the water. Last winter I saw the pair up there all winter and then some time in spring they were gone. This is the first time I've seen one there since last spring. Hopefully, the mate is close by. This was extremely cropped with my 500mm lens.

I had my camera in the car a couple of weekends ago and decided to stop by the Safety Harbor fishing pier on the way home from running errands. It was windy and there were hardly any fishermen there. There weren't any birds hanging around the pier but a few flew by and kept going somewhere. There were several manatees in the water but you could only see their snouts so I didn't take any pictures. I'm assuming they'll soon head over to the TECO plant to spend the winter in the warm run-off water. I also stopped at the tiny bridge at the end of Philippe Park to see if any eagles were around. Yea, there was one on top of the utility pole. I'll keep my eye out for the other one this winter.

Go and check out more MyWorld images at the MyWorld Site!

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