Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Action at the fishing pier

As usual, dolphins were everywhere at the fishing pier.

Snowy egrets fighting over bait fish territory.

Sandwich tern in flight.

Royal tern in flight. The above sandwich tern has a black beak with a yellow tip. The royal tern has an orange beak. When the royal tern is not flying, it looks like it has a toupee on his head.
A quick stop at the Fort Desoto fishing pier provided a lot of sun but not too many birds. I'm not sure why the fishing piers are surrounded by so much bait fish. It does bring in the terns and gulls. They were all flying around the pier and snatching the bait fish. The usual dolphins were also swimming around. It was sunny and hot so I did not stay too long. I headed down to the beach for a swim with the hubby.

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