Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Interesting things at Fort Desoto

This was an interesting sight. He was paddling in the north beach lagoon. It was pretty shallow there.
Yes, another dragonfly picture.

Someone had made a shell tree and the dragonflies were all landing on it.

Cute little plover running around.

First time I've seen a bunny at Ford Desoto. He was at the north beach.

One night last week I stopped off at Fort Desoto after work. Yea, it's on the way home if I take a 35 minute detour. It was hot and not crowded. There weren't many birds there. Only a few willets and plovers (besides the usually laughing gulls). The park is still full of dragonflies. They were everywhere. The highlight of the trip was having the bunny jump out from some mangroves. He sat there eating grass in front of me. I heard the long billed curlew has been hanging around the north beach lagoon again so I'm going to have to head back down there soon to find him.

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