Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Swallow tail kites in my neighborhood

These are the first pictures (and not great at that) I have ever taken of swallow tail kites. It's the first time I've seen them up close. Last weekend the hubby and I were driving into our neighborhood, back from running errands and I saw 2 of them flying around a house. I yelled for him to pull over. I had my small point and shoot in the car so I grabbed that and jumped out of the car and started snapping. The sun was in my eyes and I could barely see what I was shooting. Hubby was watching them and said "Wow, that bird just grabbed a baby bird from a nest high in the tree." I told him it was common for raptors to eat baby birds and he said "How can bird eat another bird?" I said "It's all food to them." We quickly drove home a couple of blocks away and I ran in and got my other camera and long lens. I headed back to the entrance of the neighborhood and saw them flying high in the sky away from me. That was the last we've seen of them since but I'll keep my eyes out for them now.

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