Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby eagle getting fed - Skywatch Friday


Eagle parent in the nest.

Juvenile eagle flying overhead. I don't know where he came from. He started flying around in circles over the nest and then took off.

Parent chasing off the juvenile eagle intruder.

Parent sitting on a snag close by the nest.

Parent sitting on the nest with the baby thinking "Where's that bird with the fish?"

Feeding the baby.

There are 2 babies on the nest but I could only see the one on the left.

Baby says "Yuck Dad, this taste like chicken." Dad probably said "That's cause it is chicken."

I left work early on the Friday before President's day. Since I had about 2 hours before dark I decided to check on the eagle's nest in the cemetery in St. Petersburg. When I got there I could see one little baby eagle head sticking up and looking around. There are two babies in the nest but I could really only see one baby. The other was sitting lower in the nest and a couple of times I could see the top of it's fuzzy head. One of the parents flew in right before dark with a fish and I was able to get a couple of pictures with the parent feeding the baby. These pictures were highly cropped. I think the babies were about 2-3 weeks old when I took these pictures. They are about 6-7 weeks old now. They are usually gone from the nest for good around 20 weeks so I'm going to try and check back every couple of weeks to see them grow up. 

It started getting dark and I had to meet the hubby for dinner so I left the eagle family and headed back to Tampa. The moon was hanging over the bay so I stopped on the access road on the causeway and snapped the below. It was a beautiful night out.

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