Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pinellas county waste plant

Cattle egrets taking a break.

Lots of different birds at the ponds by the waste plant. Notice the turtle on the left.

Kestrel sitting on a power line. I've seen him several times there now.

Sad looking cattle egret.  Do immature cattle egret have gray feathers? I've never seen one with gray feathers before. 

It looks like he's got some problems with his beak as well.

Cormorants and cattle egrets sunning themselves.

I can usually find water birds around the ponds and ditches that are across from the Pinellas county waste plant. I see them when I'm out getting lunch since my office is close by. I stopped by there recently on a Saturday to see what was hanging around. Most of the time I see a few spoonbills but not on this trip. The highlight was an American kestrel sitting on a power line. The county has torn down all of the trees and digging up the dirt across from the waste plant. I'm not sure what they are doing there but it's brought in a lot of cattle egret. I guess they are stirring up a lot of bugs. Yum!

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