Thursday, March 17, 2011

A trip to Tarpon Springs - Skywatch Friday

There's only one place to go for good Greek food in the Tampa Bay area, Tarpon Springs. It's almost an hour north of the Tampa airport but it's worth the drive. The little Greek town sits on the water and has a long sponge diving history. The main street has restaurants, tourist shops and boat tours. Whenever family or friends come to town we head there for a meal. My sister was in town recently and we went up for an afternoon of lunch and walking around. After eating the best Greek salads ever, we stopped in Hellas Bakery. We got a box full of Greek pastries to take home to eat over the weekend. It's not a place to count calories. I know, you're thinking "what's this got to do with wildlife?" I did manage to find a few birds there to take pictures of, both domestic and wild. But it's hard to think about birds when I've got a box of chocolate covered baklava in my hand.

For more skyscape photography from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday

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