Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bald eagle family at the cemetery - Skywatch Friday

One of the parents in the tree.

Baby looking around.

Stretching it's wings.

One of the babies.

Trying to scratch.

Recently I stopped by the cemetery in St. Petersburg on my way home from a day at the beach to check on the baby eagles.. It was way too sunny out to be taking pictures in the middle of the afternoon but hey, I was in neighborhood and couldn't pass up a peek at how the babies are doing. So, most of these pictures were taken right into the sun since the baby was facing that way. Baby eagles take their first flight between the ages of 10 and 13 weeks.  Approximately 40% of young eagles do not survive their first flight. I guess they crash into something or don't make it back to the nest.  After their first flight, they will spend 4 to 5 more weeks taking short flights around the nest before they are gone for good. The babies won't get that white head until they are around 5 years old. I'm not sure when these babies were born. Maybe mid to late January so they should be flying by now.  Hopefully, I can catch them again before they are gone for good.

For more skyscape photography from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.

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