Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lakeland's Beautiful Mascot - the mute swan.

I had to post some pictures of the beautiful mute swans that swim around Lake Morton in Lakeland.  You have to wonder where all of these swans came from since this is central Florida. I looked it up and you can read about it here History of swans in Lakeland.  They say there are over 200 swans there now since 1954. There are nesting pens set up around the lake so that only the swans can get in from the water. A few swans were sitting on nests when I was there a couple of weeks ago. I'd like to go back in another month or so to look for baby swans. If you stop by there, just watch where you step. There's a lot of swan poop in the grass along the way (and duck, geese, etc poop as well).

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