Monday, April 11, 2011

Birds and dolphins at the Fort Desoto fishing pier.

Snowy egrets on one of the roofs of the fishing pier. It was a windy day.

Nice pose.

White ibis flying by.

Dolphin pod swimming by.

More dolphins.

Neat looking ship passing by the fishing pier.

Another sunny Sunday afternoon spent at Fort Desoto. It was very windy and cool. There won't be many days like this left before it gets miserable hot. I saw a lot of dolphins but weirdly they were all swimming far away from the pier. Usually they swim around and underneath the pier. I guess it's better that way. Sometimes the dolphins go after the fish caught on the fishing poles. The dolphin tries to swim away with the fish and ends up with a hook in his mouth or stomach. The fishermen are always mad because they've lost a hook. I always want to say "How would like to spend your short life with fishing hooks in YOUR stomach?" but I don't. I just walk away and shake my head. 

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