Thursday, June 2, 2011

Skyway Bridge for Skywatch Friday

Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Taken from the east beach turnaround at Fort Desoto. When the tide gets low you can see the water dotted with great egrets.

Great egret going for the kill.

He flies off with his catch, which seemed to be trying to wrap around his beak.

"This doesn't taste like spaghetti!"

My first bobolink. I had heard there were a few at the park. I only saw one while I was there. This one stayed close to the ground and kept trying to hide in the tall grass. It was getting dark and I was having trouble getting good shots. I took this with my flash. This was the only decent picture I got of him but I like the way it shows the colors down his back and you can still see his black mask.

For more skyscape photography from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.

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