Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Soft and Fuzzy

Baby mallards hiding in the grass.

More baby mallards floating by.

Baby swan (baby swans are called a cygnet).

Mom, is that my sibling?  Baby swan looking at an egg.

Baby goose trying to hide.

Baby swan preening.

Looking like a tissue paper commercial.

A walk around Lake Morton can produce some Ohhs and Ahhs. After spending all morning walking around the lake, I had to drag myself away to head back home to Tampa. So many babies, so little time. I wanted to stay and play with them all. People come to the lake to feed them. Once swans have babies, the babies and the parents are put in large pens along the lake until the babies grow bigger and then are let go. I think the swans were diminishing in numbers and the city of Lakeland were trying to get the numbers back up so they take extra care of the babies. There are signs that say "Don't feed the swans in pens." They get feed a special diet until they are released back into the wild. So all of the swan baby pictures are taken through the fence of the pens.

Check out more birds at CLICK THIS PICTURE!

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