Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ft Desoto after work

Great egret landing in the muck.

Wilson's plover watching me. There aren't too many Wilson's around. This one was by itself.

Looks like a group of skimmers and royal terns in the roped off sanctuary at the north beach.

This is the tiniest horseshoe crab I've ever seen.

When there's not a Rays baseball game tying up traffic, I try to head down to Fort Desoto to walk around after work at least once a month. There's not much traffic and it's better than driving into Tampa after work. I can get in a good hour and a half walk before it gets dark. The park is pretty busy during the day now so I think late in the day most of the birds have been scared away. The roped off areas seem to be full of birds getting ready for bed. I can usually still manage to find something interesting to take pictures of. Although, there hasn't been anything rare or unusual lately.

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