Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cedar Waxwings for Christmas.

Christmas Eve afternoon, I had to get out of the in-laws house for a walk. I bundled up prepared to freeze in the 35 degree temperature (although since the sun was out if felt more like 45).  My hubby's parents live in an older neighborhood in Atlanta so there are lots of old growth trees all around. At first I was thinking it would be too cold to see any birds there. About a half an hour away I noticed a big group of robins hanging around this one spot. Then as I walked along a back street I noticed someone had a feeder up and there woodpeckers and cardinals hanging around. I rushed back to get my camera. When I got back to the spot where the robins were, I was looking high up in the trees with my zoom lens (had my 70-300mm with me) and realized I was looking at cedar waxwings. My first cedar waxwings in person! I could see at least 5 of them way up in the top of the trees. They were flying around from tree to tree but staying close by. There was a couple that seemed to stay close together.  I watched them for about half an hour and then the sun was going down and I had to get back. The next day it started snowing and I never did make it back to that spot. More on my birding trip to the in-laws coming.

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