Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drive home from work - Skywatch Friday

The Thursday before New Year's I left work a little early and decided to stop along the Courtney Campbell Causeway before heading home to see if there were any birds hanging around. I had not been in a while because now it's dark when I leave work. Clouds had rolled in and it was just starting to get dark. There weren't too many birds around. I saw 2 groups of ducks floating out in the bay. They looked like lesser scaup. They were disappearing ducks. One minute there would be 4 or 5 ducks floating around and then there would only be 1. Lesser scaup are diving ducks which dive for their food. They kept doing it all at the same time. They are very skittish and would not get too close to the causeway. As I was leaving the access road on the causeway, I saw the above osprey sitting on a lamp post. At first he was turned facing the main road but when I stopped he turned around and looked down at me. He almost looks comical.

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