Thursday, January 6, 2011

White pelican party at Circle B Bar Reserve - Skywatch Friday

What is it about the white pelicans showing up at Circle B that is so much fun? My guess is that we don't see them that often in Florida except in the winter. And you rarely find them around the gulf coast side, although you may catch a far away glimpse of the small group that hangs out near Fort Desoto. They say that there are up to several thousand at Circle B right now. The pelicans fly back and forth between Lake Hancock and the marsh pond at Wading Bird Way trail. Almost all day you can see small groups of pelicans flying overhead back and forth. No one has been able to tell me why they do that. Unlike the brown pelican, the white pelican does not dive for its food. Instead it catches its prey while swimming. They swim in small groups and scoop up the fish. There are already fish kills from the severe cold weather this year. If it keeps up the pelicans will be leaving soon. I think last winter they were all gone by February. Hopefully, I can fit a couple of more trips in before they leave this winter.

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