Monday, February 7, 2011

Bald eagle's nest at Honeymoon Island

Bald eagle soaring by.

Flying past me through the pine trees.

This one still has some lunch on his beak.

Bringing home the bacon (or fish).

Almost home. The fish looked like it was half eaten already.

Finally home.

Sitting on the nest.

The rangers at Honeymoon Island say the eagle couple have 2 babies on the nest. This time last year the babies were big enough to see their heads popping out. This year they are a little later. I'll go back in another 2 weeks. When I got there one parent was sleeping on the nest and one was sleeping on a snag close by. I decided to walk around the park for a while and check back later. Not too far from the nest, I saw one flying by and headed back to the nest. I got there right as the eagle was flying back with a fish. The nest is about a mile and a half walk from the parking lot. The nest is closed off way more than the standard 500 feet to keep people from getting too close. It's good for the eagles to have their space but you'll need binoculars to see them. I had my 500mm lens and the above are highly cropped.

Hopefully, I'll have some baby pictures soon.

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