As of this writing, access to STA5 for wildlife viewing remains limited to a typically once or twice a month scheduled tour made possible in part by the Hendry-Glades Audubon Society.
The annual Great Backyard Bird Count and Big “O” Birding Festival offer consecutive three and four day opportunities to visit STA5 in the months of February and March.

STA5 is a man made wetland impoundment facility with its water cells a mile wide on the shortest side and two miles on the longest designed to primarily filter agricultural phosphorus from the groundwater before it flows into the Everglades ecosystem.
Eighteen miles of levees are driven on with great care allowing exploration within and around this 5120 acre wildlife mecca.

The South Florida Water Management District has authority of STA5 and surrounding STAs with the SFWMD, under strict conditions, periodically permitting the hunting of alligators at the STAs as well as that of small game at STA5.
It is the hunting activity at STA5 which is perhaps responsible for the apparent skittish behavior of the wildlife that is not typical of Florida's birds and alligators as I've observed at other inland and coastal wildlife venues across the state.

Among my interests this week were the thousands of waterfowl seen at STA5 while in all a total of at least 75 species were reportedly seen by at least 83 observers in the immediate area.
Canadian wildlife photographer Frank Constantin had made a trip to STA5 a month earlier and forewarned me of the distance of the wildlife which he compared to that at Harns Marsh Preserve in Lehigh Acres.

I thus acquired a 2X converter/extender for my camera's lens for the STA5 trip with the expectation that the wildlife would be much more distant than typically seen at other wildlife venues.
Frank's visit to STA5 was less than a few hours as he reported, while I chose to make a second trip along the levees allowing me in excess of nine hours of observation time inclusive of areas around the STA.

Although my initial intent was to take full advantage of additional opportunity in visiting STA5 this month, I first opted to determine the effectiveness of using the 2X accessory before devoting more time to the documentation of my observations.
Even with the benefit of the 2X converter, it would prove necessary to crop virtually all of the images included in this report.

STA5 is especially appreciated with a Spotting Scope that is often seen used by birding aficionados.
Spotting Scopes that I've been permitted to look through when offered the opportunity have always allowed for a remarkable view of a distant subject that cannot be appreciated anywhere near as equally as seen through the lens of a camera.

A little research on these remarkable optical devices seems to show the manufacturer of Kowa products to be the leader in its field, with the TSN-883 spotting scope perhaps the best available as reviewed by Optics4birding.
It's my understanding that digiscopy offers much greater challenges in the photography of wildlife verses dare I say "traditional" digital photography.

It was my anticipation to see some new species of bird at STA5 that I had yet to encounter at my preferred wildlife venues closer to the Gulf of Mexico frequently visited in Southwest Florida.
With great fortune, I was able to add Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Northern Harrier, Western Kingbird, and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher to my list of bird species photographed for the first time with abnormalities of previously seen species documented.

I'm especially grateful to Margaret England who led me to the latter two species that were seen near the proposed entrance to STA5.
Margaret currently serves as President of the Hendry-Glades Audubon Chapter and is remarkably timely and helpful with all inquiries made of her via email.

In addition to the waterfowl seen, I was captivated by a large flock of Cattle Egret where among them was an individual of the species that sported a rare aberrant plumage that I had never seen before.
With my attention focused at one point on an overflight of one of the abundant Northern Harriers (unsure of its identification at the time) that can be seen at STA5, a Great Blue Heron would make a catch of a very large catfish that initially appeared much too large for the bird to handle.

Much thanks are extended to local birding expert Vincent Lucas as well whom assisted me in the positive identification of the raptor NOHA further described through the alpha banding code with it a female of the species.
Vince additionally offered insight of the Ring-necked Duck sporting a leucism in its primaries observed only on its right side.

The fires seen on the horizon I learned to coincide with the sugar harvest which rained ashes on STA5 throughout the day.
It was interesting to see the birds in the water seemingly oblivious to the alligators that were observed in great numbers.

A Red-tailed Hawk was sighted for the first time since my interest in wildlife observation began, though I failed to photograph the stunningly beautiful raptor which took flight from a power line.
I consider the Canada Goose observed by others at STA5 the most interesting as it will require a revision of the species' range in David Sibley's Guide to Birds.

The goose is only noted to reach barely below the Georgia/ Florida border during Winter months in Sibley's guide while STA5 regularly produces surprises.
STA5 is a must see venue when the chance arises.

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