Saturday, December 4, 2010

Backyard visitors over Thanksgiving weekend.

I came home from running errands and the above juvenile red shoulder hawk was sitting on my roof. I see lots of adults in our neighborhood but this is the first time I've seen a juvenile here. He watched me drive into the garage. I ran inside and got my camera and was excited to see him still sitting there. I took a few pictures and then he took off. I hope he stays for a while.

Later that afternoon I saw him sitting on my neighbor's fence looking around.

A little while later he was sitting in my neighbor's yard. I grabbed my camera and snuck out the back door to take a few pictures.

I realized he was eating a bug.

Last winter we had a hooded merganser couple hanging around our channel for a couple of weeks.  Last weekend I saw a male. He's migrating through from somewhere up north. I ran out on the dock and took this picture. He stayed pretty far away. You can tell he's not used to people. Anytime I walk out on the dock the mallards always come swimming up quacking for food. I hope there's a female with him. I didn't see one last weekend but she could show up.

Blue heron looking for food under our neighbor's dock. The tide was really low last weekend.

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