Thursday, December 16, 2010

Large flock of starlings - Skywatch Friday

Every once in a while I see a large flock of small birds buzzing around and I wonder "What are those little birds."  I was out at the celery fields in Sarasota recently and saw a flock flying on the other side of the lake. One minute they were in the cow pasture across the street and the next minute they were in the lake. They kept flying back and forth. I snapped a handful of pictures when they were headed into the lake and when I got home and zoomed in on them I realized they were European starlings. It's funny how close together they stay. It almost seemed like they were trying to take the lake with them. While this seems like a huge flock to me, they are found in flocks of over 1 million birds in England. Now that would be a sight to see.

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