Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sandhill cranes at Celery Fields

Does my toe look funny to you?

If you're not going to stop staring at yourself in the water then I'm leaving.

Hey lady, get my good side.

Where's my contact?

See, this is how you do it.

Yea, it's almost Christmas.

I was afraid my late afternoon stop by the celery fields in Sarasota was not going to produce any sandhill cranes. There were no signs of any my first hour there. I missed the whole two week window of 100's of cranes stopping by phenomenon. Well, I work in retail and it was almost Thanksgiving so what can I do. I finally get out there and no cranes? About half an hour before it got dark a few showed up. Most of them were across the lake where you can't get to including the dancing ones on the bottom but right as the sun was going down two of them wandered over to my side of the lake so all was not lost on the trip.

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