Sunday, December 5, 2010

Quiet Sunday afternoon at Fort Desoto

Dowitchers trying to sleep.

Great blue heron goes flying by.

Looks like a black tern in non-breeding colors. This was the only one I saw in flock of laughing gulls.
Herring gull.
Flock of skimmers and sandwich terns. I think the black tern was in this crowd.  Someone came walking by and scared them.

Skimmer flying by.

A recent Sunday afternoon at Fort Desoto was pretty quiet. Even though the peak tourist season is over there were still a lot of people hanging around the north beach. I didn't see anything different or unusual there on this trip. I did see a bald eagle fly by from very far away. It was too far to even try and crop but it was the first time I had seen one fly over the beach. Now that the weather is absolutely perfect I'll be headed there a lot more.

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