Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Snow Bunting!

Although it was very cold (17° F when I left), I decided to go birding after I got off work to see what I could see before I get snowed in from the approaching winter storm. I headed down to East Fork hoping to find a rarity, as there has been some good stuff showing up at other places as of late. I did not find any rarities for say, but I did find a bird that I haven't seen in years. :-)

As soon as I got out of the car, I scanned the gulls, but found nothing "good". The lake was devoid of waterfowl likely due to duck season being in. There was only one Common Loon on the lake that I could see.

As I walked along the beach, I heard and then saw Horned Larks. I heard a call that was different. They took flight and I could see the white wing flashes of a Snow Bunting. As soon as I was able to relocate the bunting against the snow, a lady with a dog came down and told her dog to "get da' birds". She knew that I was looking at birds. The flock took flight and briefly landed close enough for me to get these shots of the bunting.

Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting and Horned Lark
Snow Bunting with Horned Lark

A bird that makes the cold and snow worth it! (well maybe ;-)


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