Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunshine Skyway fishing pier - Skywatch Friday

Another trip to the Sunshine Skyway fishing pier. The weather is just too nice not to be outside. I was still surprised to see so few pelicans out flying around. I guess they just don't like this particular pier. There were a lot of other birds around though. The above egrets were sitting on top of the bait fish shop on the pier.

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I think I was half way down the pier when I took this picture of the Sunshine Skyway bridge.

This great egret was trying to hide his catch.

At the end of the fishing pier, someone must have started feeding the gulls because they all started flying around and acting crazy.

I think this juvenile herring gull must have gotten this fish from a fisherman. Either he stole it or it was given to him.

Adult herring gull posing for me.

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