Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cows and a deer - more non-bird pictures

A few non-bird animals to post that I saw during my travels on my few days off recently.  I headed down to Myakka River State Park for the first time. It had rained recently and the lake was flooded. I saw absolutely no birds. Not even on the nature trail. I climbed the canopy walk and still no birds. I did see a deer on the main road and pulled over to take a picture. The deer has some beautiful lashes around the eyes. What a bust trip that was. With gas prices so high now I don't know when I'll make that hour and a half long trip again. On the way back, I stopped at the Celery Fields in Sarasota. It's an old celery farm that has been restored as a wetland. The water was high there as well. I stopped before you get back on the interstate and took a few pictures of a cow close to the fence. I'm not sure what that big metal thing was. I'm assuming it's some kind of feeder. Any ideas?

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