Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sex on the beach - almost

It all starts here. He says "Come on honey, we have pro-create."

She says "Not now, tourists are watching."

He says "I'll bring home some extra fish." She says "Okay, maybe."

He goes for it.

She scoots back and he misses. She wants to see the extra fish first!

Lots of breeding action happening on the beach right now. I took these at Fort Desoto where all of the laughing gulls have paired up. They're all hanging out in twos. At any given time you might catch some gull hanky panky going on. Just tell the kids they're practicing their frog leaps. There are so many gulls on the beach but I don't know where they nest. I've never seen nesting gulls or baby gulls. I see other babies around Fort Desoto. Last spring there was a famous american oystercatcher couple with two babies running around on the beach. I've seen lots of baby skimmers on the beach as well. Maybe the gulls go off site to have their babies. I haven't seen them in the roped off areas so I'm not sure where all these gulls go to nest. 

A plea to visitors to the Florida coast, please don't feed the birds. The gulls are aggressive and obnoxious. I've seen them take a sandwich from a little kid. It's all cute and fun at first. You feed one or two. Then they call their friends and before you know it you have 50 gulls pooping on your beach blanket (or your head). 

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