Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Waste Plant birds

Black neck stilt watching me.

A pair!

Young roseate spoonbill hanging out in the mangroves.

Cattle egret panting with a great egret behind him ignoring me.

Yes, across the street from where I work is a great big waste plant. Birds hang out where there's lots of trash. There are ditches that run along the side of the waste plant that occasionally attract interesting things. There's always alligators, turtles, moorhens, osprey and lots of different water birds. Recently, while I was out getting lunch, I noticed some black neck stilts around the ditches. The next day I brought my camera and went looking for them after work. I pulled off the side of the road and was able to get a few pictures of a couple that were staying close together. The stilts are very skittish and didn't stay close very long.  While I was there I noticed a few spoonbills and egrets hanging out in a small mangrove island in the middle of the pond. It looks like they were hunkering down to sleep there for the night. Most days I drive by there and don't see anything at all so it's a hit or miss kind of place. At least it's close by.

For more birds check out CLICK THIS PICTURE!

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