Thursday, May 19, 2011

Drive home from work - Skywatch Friday

I have to drive across a bridge to get home from work. Or rather I sit on the bridge and crawl in traffic. I have my choice of bridges since I both work and live in between the two. I can take Howard Franklin/275 bridge into Tampa or the Courtney Campbell/Highway 60 bridge. If I take the Courtney Campbell bridge, I also have to take the Bayside Bridge. I usually try and check at least two traffic sites on the web before I leave to see if either bridge has a wreck on or near it. Then I take the other bridge. If I'm sitting on the 275 bridge which is always slower, I keep an eye for dolphins swimming by. If I take the other bridge, I can stop on the access road and take pictures. Last week I had my camera in the car and took the Courtney Campbell bridge home. I stopped off right before dark and got the above pictures. There weren't a lot of birds around since the day was so nice. Too many people had been hanging around the causeway all afternoon. The drive home is always nice when traffic is not bad. So is the view from the rear view mirror.

For more skyscape photography from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.

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