Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is this a brown cowbird or female grackle? - Skywatch Friday

I was standing on the boardwalk at Gatorland quietly waiting for the baby birds to wake up. I see some movement in the bushes in an area where there aren't any egret or heron nests. All of a sudden I see this tiny brown bird pop up. I started taking pictures of it and several other photographers came by and said it was a brown cowbird baby. It looked to be several weeks old. The nest seemed to be hidden down into the bush. The parent bird (last picture) kept flying over to check on the baby and would fly off again. The parent never stayed long and I didn't see it feeding the baby. Eventually the baby crawled back deep into the bushes. This one had just enough fuzz on the top of it's head to make it cute. As I was looking through my bird books I thought, this really looks more like a female grackle. The female grackle has a longer beak than the cowbird but they should have yellow eyes. But not all of the pictures I found on the web showed the female grackle with yellow eyes. I'm stumped. Any thoughts? 

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